Individual customers have the right to submit claims arising from the transaction concluded between the bank and the customer to the mediator of the Financial System.
At the request of any person, the bank provides the information and documents defined by Article 20, Part 3, Article 43, Part 2 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Banks and Banking Activities.
You can receive the information within 3 (three) working days after submitting the written application.
The information is provided free of charge.
The Bank also provides the information and documents defined by Articles 16, 120, 126, Part 1 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia on the Securities Market.
You can receive the information the next business day after submitting the written request.
The information is provided free of charge.
If you have a complaint against the Bank, you can submit it through the online Complaint form available in this section.
You can inform about the fact or possibility of illegal actions in the fields of prevention of conflicts of interest, anti-corruption, protection of insider information, violation of business ethics and corporate conduct rules by employees by sending an email to the following e-mail address: